Rust free download on pc
Rust free download on pc

If you see a version number printed, then that confirms that Rust installed correctly. But you could launch a command prompt ( cmd.exe), and perhaps issue the command cargo -version.

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And you're not yet set up to call Windows APIs. You won't have a convenient IDE yet (we'll cover that in the next section- Install Visual Studio Code). When the Rust installer is finished, you'll be ready to program with Rust. You'll then be all set to write apps for Windows using Rust. Also install the Microsoft C and C++ (MSVC) toolchain by running rustup default stable-msvc. Since you have Windows, we recommend that you just run the rustup installer for 64-bit Windows. Rust works very well on Windows so there's no need for you to go the WSL route (unless you plan to locally compile and test on Linux). The website detects that you're running Windows, and it offers you 64- and 32-bit installers of the rustup tool for Windows, as well as instructions on installing Rust to the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Next, install Rust from the Rust website. So also add the individual component Git for Windows to the mix (use the search box to search for it by name). You might not think that you'll need all three, but it's likely enough that some dependency will arise where they're required that we feel it's just simpler to select all three. NET desktop development, Desktop development with C++, and Universal Windows Platform development. While installing Visual Studio, there are several Windows workloads that we recommend you select. A Community edition is available-it's free for students, open-source contributors, and individuals. But you can still install Visual Studio without expense.

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We'll be using Visual Studio Code as our integrated development environment (IDE) for Rust, and not Visual Studio.

Rust free download on pc