Fortinet vpn client configuration
Fortinet vpn client configuration

  • Click the Licensed radio button, and click the Browse button.
  • The trial installer is intended to be deployed in a test environment. In trial mode, all online updates are disabled and VPN connections are time-limited. See Preparing to download and license the tool. Licensed mode requires a FortiClient Configurator Tool license key. The Welcome page displays with the following options:

    fortinet vpn client configuration

    Double-click the FortiClientRebrandingTool.exe application file to launch the tool.

    fortinet vpn client configuration

    The Configuration File page displays with the following options. Double-click the FortiClientConfigurator.exe application file to launch the tool.To create a custom FortiClient installation file: It is recommended to run the FortiClient Configurator Tool in a shallow directory structure, such as c:\temp\, to avoid hitting the hard limit. Windows has a hard limit of 260 characters on file path length.

    fortinet vpn client configuration

    Using FortiClient Configurator Tool for Windows Use FortiClient Configurator Tool tool for Windows | FortiClient 6.0.0

    Fortinet vpn client configuration